Security: How to keep yourself SAFE!

A Guide to Security Focused Operating Systems and
Techniques to Prevent Cybercrimes

Security is an important aspect for both big and small companies. It keeps the
sensitive data safe and secure. The data can include passwords, social security
numbers, and bank details. It is important to protect them from fraud and malicious
activities such as identity theft. In this article I will be sharing some operating
systems which are purely focused on security and some techniques which could help
in adding additional security to the electronic devices.
1. Operating Systems:
Windows based operating systems are the least secure. If privacy is the main
concern of the user, they should opt for Linux, Android or Mac based operating
systems. The following are some Linux, Android and Mac based operating systems:
(i) Ubuntu: This is one of the most secure operating systems to exist. The security is
always updated as soon as possible which helps in preventing additional
(ii) Debian: It is a stable and secure Linux-based operating system. It updates
security regularly. It is free to use and one of the most common security based
operating system. In addition, it also has a bug tracking system which prevents bugs
from attacking the systems.
(iii) Qube OS: It is an operating system based on the method of virtualization. This
technique provides high security to the system by isolating different softwares as if
they were installed on different physical systems. Different types of operating
systems can be integrated with this one. It uses two factor authentication to keep
your browser safe from tracking.
(iv) Whonix OS: The main goal of this Linux-based operating system is to provide
anonymity and security to the system. The applications are run anonymously by the
user, which means that the real identity of the user cannot be known. It consists of
two virtual machines, the working system and the Tor gateway, which works on
Note: Qubes-Whonix can run together to provide advanced security. This is possible
through virtual machines.
(v) Tails OS: This operating system is focused on protecting the user against
censorship and surveillance.
(vi) Lineage OS: It is an Android-based operating system which keeps the user
informed of how the system uses your data. It gives you warnings about possible
threats in the system.
(vii) Sailfish: This Linux-based operating system makes use of VPN, sandboxes,
firewall and encryption techniques to provide enhanced security. All these techniques
are modern and up-do-date in order to provide the best experience if the security is
the main concern.
(viii) mac OS: This operating system comes with a built in malware detection system.
Even though its safe and secure, cyberattacks might happen but the chances are
2. Techniques to Prevent Cybercrimes:
(i) Update your System and Applications Regularly: It is important for your softwares
to stay updated as the security is also updated at the same time. If the software is
not updated, the system will crash and it will be easier for hackers to access the
system over years.
(ii) Virtual Machines and Isolation: Virtual machines use softwares for running
programs instead of physical machines. Isolating virtual machines provides more
security as multiple operating systems can run at the same time on a single physical
(iii) Admin Control: The users can change who is controlling the main tasks which
can be performed by the administrator only. Changing this to the user itself would be
safer than trusting other people to do this.
(iv) Make sure to not click on malicious links, which can say that you have
subscribed to something which you never signed up for, any money transactions you
have never done, or any lottery which you never applied for.

Thanks for this article go to: Anwesha Mishra

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